(To the beat of “staying alive”)
Picking up where binny and viggy left off,

We will continue the story of our Israel tour,
On Friday we hiked on mount arbel,

Although some of our number nearly fell,
Later we had a mishna era experience,

We rode donkeys on the heat,

But ayals donkey was dead beat.
And dinner was ok
On shabbat we breaked from our hectic week,

Although a visit a cow farm produced a few squeals,
After the sun set we boarded the coach Tiberius bound,

And listened to some sounds (A capella) as we sailed around,
As Sunday arrived another hike was due,

Climbing meron we enjoyed the view,
We visited the grave of the rabbi bar yochai,

Before travelling to Haifa to visit the gardens of ba’hai,
We learnt about the Druze and had a supper that was yummy,

Before arriving at our new hostel in the scenic village of shlomi,
This morning we hiked for the best part of four hours,

And then travelled to the prison for an audio visual presentation about the jews who escaped from that prison in akko in 1948 after blowing up the wall (and a tour)
Then we enjoyed the views from a exciting cable car,

Before watching another audio visual presentation about how the sea caresses the rocks but sometimes it may strike and pound the rocks,

(Then we went in a grotto)
We returned to the beautiful city akko,

To hear a speech by a rabbi,

Although many of our number took the opportunity to catch 40 winks.
Now we are en route to the beautiful village of shlomi,

Hopefully another yummy supper will be soon in our tummies.



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